Discovery’s “Turbo Charged” Game Explained

by Micky Angel.... Can you stimulate a woman’s emotions? At will? Do you know exactly what emotion she will feel when you do or say a certain thing? You should! Women are emotional creatures. Their emotions drive their behaviors. And if you can influence their emotions, you can in turn influence their behaviors. And this…
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1 Hour to Greatness – The Power Hour

How you start your day and the first hour you wake and what you do in it, will set the scene for your whole day’s effectiveness – hence referred to as the power hour – I was inspired originally on this by Anthony Robbins and have expanded on it since then with my life coach…
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The Facebook Openers

by Discovery. This opener (1 of 3 to do with Facebook) actually was field tested in Starbucks, West Hollywood when I was out visiting Mystery and the gang. Now guys if like me you are from the Uk and not used to seeing super hot women, man this starbucks had more hotties than I see in…
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The ‘3 Second Rule’ for Life

The “Three Second Rule” Apply it always and anywhere, it will make your life easier, merrier and much more interesting! Hello there my friend, it’s The Dutch himself, coming straight at you from the lands of nether! So, about the name of our new company website…3 Second Rule…(I hope you like it! :-) the other…
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Top Ten Mistakes Men Make with Women… And How To Avoid Them

1. Showing too much sexual interest (Starting in Seduction): “The Creepy Guy” A lot of guys show sexual interest in a woman before they attract and qualify her. They make it obvious they’re only interested in getting sex, without any regard to her as a person. It’s like they say: “You don’t know me, wanna…
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Fashion Police Naughties!

The character and persona behind the clothing totally impact whether or not you can ‘drop’ a look. Fashion is an Art form and Andy Warhol said “Art, is what you can get away with!” Some typical Fashion Police Naughties: 1. No white socks with anything other than sports clothing. 2. If you must wear sunglasses as…
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Review: NYC Bootcamp: Discovery & Colgate
by Sebastien. It started Thursday evening with a ‘meet and greet’. We were a group of 5 students; an interesting mix of different ages, characters, and personalities. I didn’t know who Discovery was or how he looked like, but when he and Colgate arrived to the hotel lobby where we were supposed to meet I could tell…
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You Are The Brand

A client ‘JP’ once came to me with a style dilemma. “I work in an environment surrounded by much younger and fashionable men; there seems to be an unsaid enforced dress-code which pigeonholes me into looking like a school teacher. I want an outfit which doesn’t alienate me at work and allows a cool night…
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Ghost and Flame Practice Tips

The Ghost and the Flame are two concepts about how you should “be”. These are a set of attitudes that you will develop along your journey as a pickup artist. Here are some exercises and tips to help you develop Ghost and Flame attitudes more quickly. Master them and you too can become a Jedi.…
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Complete State Maintenance Part 1

As I was browsing through several posts on the Forums I noticed that there are a lot of you out there struggling with “getting into state” before sarging. So I ran through the whole state pumping process that I go through myself before I go out. This is the same process that I use before…
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Lighting the Flame

by Pyrotecnik. The Zen of Cool – that’s what today’s lesson is about. There are two parts to this awesome model for inner game, represented by a Yin-Yan. Today we are talking about the Yan or flame. Now, if you haven’t read about the Zen of Cool in Revelation by Lovedrop, I would highly recommend you…
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The Last Hour
It's the last hour before you head out. It is familiar for all of us whether we were aware or not. It is basically the last few preperations before heading out to that target rich venue in to what is expected to be a great night. This does not include the usual such as showering,…
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Opener Not Hooking? Try Rooting

Ever notice that sometimes your openers won’t hook? You were positive that you checked everything off the list: + Open over the shoulder + False time constraint + Body Rocking + Proper body language + Not conveying too much interest + Solid delivery + Appropriate energy level ..but the opener STILL doesn’t hook! It could…
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