Let me be the first to congratulate you on taking a big step to improve your dating life. You’ve invested your time and money for the Bootcamp. You also have to deal with the expense of travel, lodging whether it’s a hotel room or an AirBnB and food. And if you’re like me you’re missing…
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Mystery & Discovery teaching Pickup on TV
@Mystery3SR & @Discovery3SR present back to back in their seduction/attraction @3SecondRule3SR workshop.#Dating #Pickup #Seduction pic.twitter.com/lFE1DnPJ2A
— Attract Any Woman (@AttractWomanDoc) June 2, 2017
10 Tips to: Have a great weekend Gentlemen!
1. Get out of the House 2. Don't go out to 'See how it goes' - go out to improve your skills (plan the work, work the plan) 3. where your best..... SMILE! 4. Be INTO YOUR SET more than you are others around you - - Your Wingmen are the most important set in…
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You Either Live or Die by the ‘3 Second Rule’
You must obey the '3-Second Rule' Every Pickup Artist / PUA / aspiring Social Artist, must obey this rule, that is if you want to improve your chances in Approaching and Attracting Beautiful Women in the dating scene. We believe in it so much we named the company after it ;-) Quick note: If you think the 3-second…
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Flirt like a PRO in 6 steps!
Why some guys can Flirt AND have Fun. And Why Not You? They make the women around them smile, laugh or CRACK UP even! They light up their surroundings and create a social bond fire that attracts other women around them to come and stand in their proximity. And even the ones that are standing a bit further away are…
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The Social Circle Of Success
If you are the solo pick up artist, crawling from bar to bar with your black nail polish, goggles and a tophat and THAT works for you, so be it. Mystery was a pioneer in the game, it's HIS persona and he works it, but you shouldn't copy ANOTHER's persona! Being a wannabe is the…
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Approach Anxiety Decoded
In this article I will discuss approach anxiety and some tips that may just help you barrel through it. But to know how to deal with it, first off let us decode AA to and look at what it is and why it exists. We are born with a certain level of survival information hardcoded into our…
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Discovery – the Uncensored Truth!
Now you may wonder that since this in essence is a review of my very own residential with Master PUA Discovery, why then did I choose to name it Discovery - the Uncensored Truth? The reason is that I will be dropping some truth bombs on you, about me, about the industry of pick up…
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The 3 Second Rule Evolution
The Game was the book which changed how people saw attraction between males and females, the world was introduced to the term Pickup Artist. Underground seduction lairs where brought to the light and the book quickly became a bible for every AFC living in his parents basement wishing to have the…
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The ‘3 Second Rule’ for Life
The “Three Second Rule” Apply it always and anywhere, it will make your life easier, merrier and much more interesting! Hello there my friend, it’s The Dutch himself, coming straight at you from the lands of nether! So, about the name of our new company website…3 Second Rule…(I hope you like it! :-) the other…
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