Category Archives: Inner Game

Reality Check – Should you Buy Her a Drink?

1. Men prefer women who are less dominant than them. 2. Men prefer women who EARN LESS than them (affects the ego) 3. Men prefer women who are YOUNGER than them 4. Men like to play the Protector and Provider role. - (the latter Evolutionary Hard Wired into us, so as to ensure when she…
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Understanding your ‘Starting Point’ in #theGame

The Light just Went On!!!!!!! Learning the Game - many styles, many start points Where are YOU starting?by Discovery   Before 'The Game' I was an International Level Speaker/Trainer/Life Coach and many of my Personal Effectiveness/Team Dynamics programs had a good share of what guys call 'Inner Game'. This got me thinking......   My life…
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The Social Circle Of Success

If you are the solo pick up artist, crawling from bar to bar with your black nail polish, goggles and a tophat and THAT works for you, so be it. Mystery was a pioneer in the game, it's HIS persona and he works it, but you shouldn't copy ANOTHER's persona! Being a wannabe is the…
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Approach Anxiety Decoded

In this article I will discuss approach anxiety and some tips that may just help you barrel through it. But to know how to deal with it, first off let us decode AA to and look at what it is and why it exists. We are born with a certain level of survival information hardcoded into our…
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Complete State Maintenance System Part 2

Ok so I take it you guys went out and got some sweat running down your backs yeah? Because now you will hopefully be ready for the Mental Tools I am going to talk about. I can actually talk about this for hours and hours, but I will try to stick with that what matters…
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Six Characteristics of an Alpha Male, By Mystery

1. “Smile." "The number one characteristic of an alpha male is the smile. Smile when you enter a room. As soon as you walk in a club, the game is on. And by smiling, you look like you’re together, you’re fun, and you’re somebody." 2. “Be well-groomed.” Shower: Wash yourself three times before you meet…
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Seven Secrets To Style’s Success

How did Style get so successful in the game? According to him it was these things: 1. Hang out with people better than you: He hung with Mystery. Our environment is always stronger than we are. If you hang out with a guy who’s good with women, he’ll rub off on you. You’ll SEE subtle lessons…
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Self-Esteem: Six Practices

High self-esteem attracts women. Because it means strength. Women find men who are survivors and protectors attractive. Okay, fine. Well, how do you up your self-esteem? Let’s ask Nathaniel Branden. He’s the guy who invented the term, in his book “Six Pillars of Self-Esteem.” For him, it’s not about “feeling good.” Like Stuart Smalley saying…
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Bad Advice? – “Just Be Yourself!”

BAD ADVICE??? (by Discovery) "Just be yourself" Am reposting this one as it keeps rearing it's head in forum questions: This is an interesting one - ask women for advice on dating and 9 out of 10 times they will say "Just Be Yourself!" argghh - Being 'ourselves' isn't working!!!! On your journey to master…
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The perks of being “good” with pickup!

Hey there! Good to see you are still reading through the articles you should! Because there are some interesting, inspiring and motivating thoughts to be me Rick you... Like, last week, i was enjoying the company of a young beautifull eastern european beauty...long black and shiney silky hair...big and beautifull grey eyes…
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“Luck exerts a dramatic influence over our lives. A few seconds of bad fortune can unravel years of striving, while a moment of good luck can lead to success and happiness. Luck has the power to transform the improbable into possible; to make the differences between life and death, reward and ruin, happiness and despair.…
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The 3 Second Rule Evolution

        The Game was the book which changed how people saw attraction between males and females, the world was introduced to the term Pickup Artist. Underground seduction lairs where brought to the light and the book quickly became a bible for every AFC living in his parents basement wishing to have the…
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1 Hour to Greatness – The Power Hour

How you start your day and the first hour you wake and what you do in it, will set the scene for your whole day’s effectiveness – hence referred to as the power hour – I was inspired originally on this by Anthony Robbins and have expanded on it since then with my life coach…
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Ghost and Flame Practice Tips

The Ghost and the Flame are two concepts about how you should “be”. These are a set of attitudes that you will develop along your journey as a pickup artist. Here are some exercises and tips to help you develop Ghost and Flame attitudes more quickly. Master them and you too can become a Jedi.…
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Complete State Maintenance Part 1

As I was browsing through several posts on the Forums I noticed that there are a lot of you out there struggling with “getting into state” before sarging. So I ran through the whole state pumping process that I go through myself before I go out. This is the same process that I use before…
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