About: Renaissan
Renaissan is a 3SR Coach.
Women just mystified me and I wanted to learn how to attract them. When I began to see myself as a "prize," learned that positive energy attracts women like cleavage attracts us guys, and made my mission in life more important than women, my success with women took off.
I’m excited to share everything I’ve learned with you. But my hope is you’ll also become the kind of man, from the inside out, a “10” would naturally be attracted to.
I call myself “Renaissan” because the ideal of the Renaissance Man inspires me. The word also means “rebirth,” which is what I wanted from pickup.
You’ve got it in you already to attract women. What’s great about the Mystery Method is it’ll help you subtract the stuff that might be in the way, and let your best self shine. That’s what it’s done for me. I know it’ll do the same for you.