So what is an 'Impact' Bootcamp? A 3SR Impact Bootcamp differs from your standard 2 day Bootcamp in that an 'Impact' Camp is uniquely designed for just that - IMPACT, both with the women you approach over the weekend, your skill-set - and your LIFE! There is a LOT of personal interaction time between you…
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Dating Coach Certification Program
COULD YOU BE A Pro DATING, Attraction & Lifestyle COACH? Consider the principle: "IF YOU WANT TO GET GOOD AT SOMETHING IN LIFE - HELP OTHERS!" And learning to have good 'Game' with Women, is NO different. At 3 Second Rule, Our Pro Dating Coach Development Program Is By Far The Most Sophisticated…
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VIP Mentee PRO Mentorship Package
"My Game is going to go through the roof! Beats just Bootcamps!" Jimmy, Utah (Previous Bootcamp Student) "This is by far the Ultimate Pickup Training Program to come out in Decades" Gurmit Samra, Film Director (Get Gone, Attract Any Woman) "Are we really going to give away 10 Free Bootcamps?" Sebastian Gold, Physio Student (who…
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