Women have it easy, don’t they? They spend a bit of time on their hair. A little more time on their makeup. A little less time sliding into small dresses and putting on the right combination of push-up bras and high heels. And voila.. they got attraction in spades! We DO struggle as men. Though,…
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About: Doc Hollywood
Recent Posts by Doc Hollywood
Doc Hollywood’s modified Daygame opener

What opener should I use during the daytime? A common question that’s frequently asked and one not entirely without merit. A common answer to a common question is: Use the same openers you use when you go out at night. They work just as well. You counter: Well, I already tried those. They don’t work…
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Would you like to make the game easier for yourself?
Hey, wanna make the game easier for yourself ? Have you noticed that your gaming sessions are more hassle than fun? Here’s Doc Hollywood’s five field-tested tips on the matter: 1- Do your warm-up sets before you even step foot inside the venue you’re about to enter. The general rule is as early as you…
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