The 'friendzone' can be a fantastic, warm and loving place from where you may have sex with her…AND her friends! [moderator warning: strong adult language] Bonjour! This is Rick Dutch and NO…bonjour is not a Dutch word…its actually Swedish. :o Anyways, one of the things you keep hearing in the world of dating and pickup…
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Personalised Stack Creation

I am new to the Game, what should I use first? I have few good things to say, how can I piece them together? I want to personalize my routines, what is the structure? Greetings fellow Pickup and Social Artists. Over the next few weeks, I'm going to be answering the above questions and helping your…
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The 3 Second Rule Evolution

The Game was the book which changed how people saw attraction between males and females, the world was introduced to the term Pickup Artist. Underground seduction lairs where brought to the light and the book quickly became a bible for every AFC living in his parents basement wishing to have the…
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Discovery’s “Turbo Charged” Game Explained

by Micky Angel.... Can you stimulate a woman’s emotions? At will? Do you know exactly what emotion she will feel when you do or say a certain thing? You should! Women are emotional creatures. Their emotions drive their behaviors. And if you can influence their emotions, you can in turn influence their behaviors. And this…
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