Enjoy 'the Game' ? We all know that while looking your very best does NOT guarantee Attracting the Woman you are interested in, BUT it DOES, GUARANTEE, you will stand out more than all the other 'Sheeple' dressed guys around you. But FASHION, GROOMING, PHYSICAL can all get pretty expensive - FAST!But in our new…
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Seven Secrets To Style’s Success
How did Style get so successful in the game? According to him it was these things: 1. Hang out with people better than you: He hung with Mystery. Our environment is always stronger than we are. If you hang out with a guy who’s good with women, he’ll rub off on you. You’ll SEE subtle lessons…
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Fashion Police Naughties!
The character and persona behind the clothing totally impact whether or not you can ‘drop’ a look. Fashion is an Art form and Andy Warhol said “Art, is what you can get away with!” Some typical Fashion Police Naughties: 1. No white socks with anything other than sports clothing. 2. If you must wear sunglasses as…
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You Are The Brand
A client ‘JP’ once came to me with a style dilemma. “I work in an environment surrounded by much younger and fashionable men; there seems to be an unsaid enforced dress-code which pigeonholes me into looking like a school teacher. I want an outfit which doesn’t alienate me at work and allows a cool night…
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