Shit tests explained

Attractive women are hit on all the time so to assess whether you are alpha or beta they come up with a series of off-putting strange questions, behaviors, or comments toward you that will allow her to gauge your confidence, personality, experience, intelligence, temperament, and intentions Towards her quickly. While testing you a woman will often hide her insecurities, desires, fears, or imperfections with either self-deprecating comments or false declarations of strength as a bad decision in sexual selection can affect her gene pool for the rest of her evolutionary life.

Passing one test may not get a you all the way to sex, as women throw these out throughout the courtship. The most effective way to pass a tests is, in reality, to be truly alpha with in yourself.
"shit testing is an indicator that she is interested. That fact alone should give your ego a little boost. She wouldn't bother with you unless she thought your were a candidate.

Her shit testing is testing for strength.  "

James matador

A woman test can be non-verbal, such as a girl getting close to you and seeing if you become nervous. This is to for her to see how a custom are you to having a woman in your lifestyle, It can be a compliance test such as doing her a favour, a beta male will jump though this hoop without asking for something in return, an alpha man will ask for something back. A test can also take the form of a shit test/neg, an alpha male will not tolerate bad behavior, and just ignorance may no work in this case In response, the PUA should Flip the script with a re-frame relevant to the tests.

Shit tests can either be challenges, IODs, or reframes and the woman will test for different things, this are :


relate to a man’s courtship style; his romantic intentions, motivations, and feelings; and the quality and intensity of his affections and feelings.


used to gauge a man’s comfort in social settings and the quality of his relationship with his friends and family.


used to determine the quality of a man’s IQ and to what extent he appreciates her for her intellect, interests, and ambitions.


Women are usually attracted to men who are competent in their field, who are passionate about what they do, and who have ambition sometimes even more than they’re attracted to financial success.


relate to a man’s wallet and relationship with money. Women are often slammed for being attracted to a man with means, but woman are generally attracted to men who have the potential to be good providers, and wealth is a sign of competence and leadership. Seeking a man who is comfortable with his finances and professional
life doesn’t mean she’s a gold digger. Sometimes a man with limited means can offset his financial shortcomings by providing, through his behavior and actions, the sense of security and protection that money might otherwise portend to give her.


relate to a man's attraction to her physical appearance and his comfort with his own.


relate to a man's comfort with his own sexuality and with hers.

There are various ways to reframe a shit test the ones that work the best are: being Confident, Using Humour, Ignoring It, Absurdity, Be Direct and Blunt or Agree & Amplify the test.

here are some common verbal shit test with various re-frames using the stuff mentioned above:

I HAVE A BOY FRIEND - Good! It will give you something to do when I'm not around.

DO YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND - Gosh, slow down. You didn't even buy me a drink before you ask. I can't believe you're so forward

ARE YOU GAY - Would you like me to be - or - I'm not but my Boyfriend is.

BUY ME A DRINK – absolutely!! what would you like?? water or water with ice?

LETS JUST BE FRIENDS - you read my mind, I don’t date girls like you

YOU ARE SO RUDE - thanks for noticing

YOU'RE A PLAYER – you make it sound like a bad thing, I just see it as having a healthy social lifestyle.

THE FAVOR – on this one make sure you are getting more compliance back then what your giving out.

If the man becomes embarrassed or defensive, he fails the test. Women do this, sometimes consciously, sometimes not. this It means they are interested and that they're setting up sexual tension and want to play, rather than just sit around bored, Waiting for some other guy to come along who will stimulate there emotions, But it also means they setting up a protective layer around them.

The shit test doesn't only test your confidence, it is designed to raise hers, Every woman has insecurities. She knows she's the prettiest girl at the party, but she also knows she's seeking love. So she sets up small pitfalls, knowing that some ditches are in store when you get past the first drink and actually get to know her.

As the relationship goes on the type of shit test will change and the intensity will grow
How a girl shit tests you is her doing you a big favour, she’s given you a map to her heart, Dominance over a woman isn’t about being physically dominant, it’s about being able to display that you are the one dominating her, leading her, not being controlled by her. It is the key for her to relax and give in to you, when the tests are passed she can be her true female self, rather than the shielded warrior she’s trying to show.

These tricks of hers is what keeps unworthy man away from her.

You shouldn’t resent them, it is their nature.


 - Discovery

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