"When I went to the Dallas bootcamp in March with Mystery and Discovery, it was like having my eyes opened after realizing I was merely dreaming before. Don't mean to juxtapose the arts, but truly, watching two masters work their art painted a PERFECT picture for me!
Working my own, and having them, and the other instructors there to correct me was amazing! In one night, I had improved more than I could have in a month, alone"
MANimal, Dallas bootcamp
As a 29 year old who has been in one long relationship and generally have really good success with women, I participated in the entire program at the London boot camp and completely agree with Milton. It was a mind-blowing, intense experience and definitely worth the investment. I can see concrete evidence it has lifted my game to a new level and I am much better equipped to continue the journey.
The combination of theory during the day and live in-field training during the night is extremely effective. There's a really low ratio of coaches to students in field (generally one coach per two students), which assures really good feedback from the coach during and after the in-field training. You can also expect the opportunity to ask anyone you want (Mystery, Discovery or any one of the really skilled coaches) any and all questions you have related to pickup during the weekend.
Atlas, London Bootcamp
The bootcamp in London was a mind blowing and probably life changing experience for me. Nothing less. Being 33 years old, I’ve been dating women for almost 20 years. But I’ve never meet people as Mystery, Discovery and the coaches, who could walk the talk and get beautiful women interested in them on a consistent basis. They’re using methods and a way of being, that may appear illogical at first, but is the way nature selects who get’s to replicate with the most attractive women in order of survival of the species. And in top of it, they are able to teach that knowledge to others, both in theory and infield in the night clubs of London. I had the privilege of being coached by Topcat on two nights out and it was really inspiring.
Milton, London BC, Mystery and Discovery 2010
Mystery is just the coolest, most interesting guy I've ever met. You just cant get enough of listening to him. He fixed my body language, gave everyone some amazing tips, and...he REALLY cares about his students. It is totally true that he is a great teacher.
Zoorps, London Bootcamp, Mystery & Discovery 2010
Discovery has an amazing game, his classroom and infield demos are really impressive. This guy must be one of the top PUA in the world, and he's a great teacher as well.